Special Offer to our Valued Clients
To our Valued clients:
These are challenging times right now, for us and for your companies, the stakes are very high. We want to offer our support in the following ways;
At this time, we offer all our clients the option to postpone their subscription invoice payment and waive late penalties for the 2020 LPG Almanac to September 1, 2020. Sulpetro will manage the process for you- there’s no need to do anything.
If you make a digital product purchase within the next three months from our website then we’ll waive the credit card processing fees.
Additional product updates are in the works. We are expediting our data uploads where we can. The 2020 uploads for Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC( without refineries) has been completed. This represents approximately 99% of the Canadian NGL production volumes. If you're interested in receiving this data, please email us at information@sulpetro.com and we’ll expedite this data request.
Be sure to visit our website at www.sulpetro.com/special-reports for the latest information on NGL market data updates and special reports during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yours truly,