Ally Policy

Sulpetro Inc. commits to creating a trusting, respectful, understanding, collaborative, and positive workplace. In maintaining a respectful workplace community including our customer and supplier relationships, we commit to promoting equality for everyone no matter a person’s culture, social background, including; age and/or generational group, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation.


We believe diversity promotes innovation, generates new ideas, and brings together everyone’s unique experiences.  We accept and value all people.  When applying diversity to business challenges, we learn from each other, and inclusion creates new paths for solving problems.


Inclusion requires deliberate and intentional action.  At Sulpetro Inc., our intention is to deliberately include respectful behaviour in our actions and dealings with everyone.  Microaggressions are unacceptable behaviour and not tolerated.  

Respectful Workplace

At Sulpetro Inc., we actively seek out diversity in our workplace community, including our consultants, supplier and partner relationships.  Our aim is to provide a respectful workplace community that uplifts and empowers individuals allowing for improved, open communication and honouring everyone’s contribution to the conversation.  

Organizational Diversity Ombudsperson

 We invite our stakeholders (employees, contractors, service providers, partners, customers) to report any discriminatory or disrespectful behaviour from any member of our team to our diversity ombudsperson, Charlotte Kingsford, at  

All complaints are held in confidence and managed to support our ongoing effort to ensure our workplace & external relationships are safe from discrimination and/or harassment. 


1. “ally” means:

To be an ally is to unite oneself with other cultural and/or social groups in an effort to promote equality.  When people form an alliance to fight discrimination and/or harassment or speak out against prejudice, everyone in the group benefits from a more positive workplace community where everyone is treated with respect, dignity and equitably.

2. “diversity” means:

Diversity is actively including and involving people who are from a variety of different gender, social and/or cultural backgrounds.  Actively including diversity is thoughtful and considerate action in all business dealings ensuring all groups are represented equitably in our workplace community.

3. “inclusion” means:

Inclusion is the practice of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who may otherwise be marginalized or excluded because of their social background, including age and/or generational group, religion, culture, gender, disability and/or sexual orientation.  Inclusivity applies to hiring, compensation, advancement, rewards and meaningful work practices.
